What if I said install an application stack like LAMP in 5 minutes??
Note: For obvious reasons, this document assumes a DokuWiki install on Windows (perhaps using EasyPHP, XAMPP or Bitnami DokuWiki Stack) Setup NTLM authentication for Apache First, get the Apache NTLM module from this location. Bitnami for XAMPP greatly simplifies the development of PHP applications on top of ApacheFriends XAMPP, by installing WordPress, Drupal with Drush, Joomla! And many more open source applications on top of XAMPP.
- Description After upgrading to new release, configuration settings page contains only the 4 first elements (i.e. DokuWiki, Basic, Display, Authentication). Next sections are not displayed and save button is not displayed.
- The Bitnami DokuWiki Stack provides a one-click install solution for DokuWiki. Download installers and virtual machines, or run your own dokuwiki server in the cloud. Launched in 2004, DokuWiki was built for small companies and organizations that need a simple way to manage information, build knowledge bases and collaborate.
Yes, Bitnami is an absolute revolution in user experience in using free Opensource application on most if not all of your Operating Systems including Solaris,Windows, Mac OS and ofcourse needless to say Linux.
BitNami stacks make it incredibly easy to install your favorite open source software all in just a few clicks. Forget about all those preconfigurations, installing the pre-requisuites, dependencies. Bitnami gives real user experience in installing the applications all in one go. You would feel like installing a software in Windows Operating system by a wizard driven installation process. Application stacks include an open source application and all the dependencies necessary to run it, such as Apache, MySQL and PHP or Ruby. All you need to do is download the Stack, provide a few pieces of information when prompted by the installation wizard, and that’s it. By the time you click ‘finish’, your new application will be ready to run. All stacks have been packaged using BitRock’s multiplatform installer.
The stacks of application range from Infrastructure to Blogs and eLearning. The community is very active and you can request for a stack as well!!!!
The stacks for Linux include
DjangoStack – High-level Python Web framework
JRubyStack – 100% Java implementation of Ruby
LAMP – Apache/MySQL/PHP stack for Linux (You know it!!!)
RubyStack – Ruby on Rails MVC framework DB backed web applications
Roller Stack – Roller Blog server
WordPress Stack – WordPress (2.5.1) blogging server
Bug Tracking
Mantis Stack – Mantis, web based Bug tracker
Redmine Stack – Redmine Project Management Application (Ruby on Rails based)
Trac Stack – trac Wiki & bug tracking system
Drupal Stack – Drupal content management platform
eZPublish Stack – eZPublish CMS for web plublishing, intranets, ecommerce etc
Joomla Stack – Joomla, a very popular OpenSource CMS
KnowledgeTree Stack – KnowledgeTree Document management system
phpBB Stack – phpBB, leading opensource forum and bulletin board
Tracks Stack – Tracks, Ruby on Rails based application
Poll Management
opina Stack – Opina, Web based Poll management tool
Portal Server
Liferay stack – Liferay portal framework
Bitnami Dokuwiki Stackable
Version Control
Subversion Stack – Subversion version control software
DokuWiki Stack – DokuWiki wiki
MediaWiki Stack – MediaWiki, original wiki written for Wikipedia
Moodle Stack – Moodle Course Management System
Let’s have a look at the installation of LAMP server on openSUSE:
Download LAMP Stack from here
Change permissions
Switch user to root and change permissions on the downloaded installer
Saihari@Linux:~> su –
Linux:~# chmod 755 bitnami-lampstack-0.9.4-linux-installer.bin
Run the installer
Linux:~# ./bitnami-lampstack-0.9.4-linux-installer.bin
This starts the wizard on your openSUSE.
1. Click Forward on the welcome screen
2. Select the folder to install the application stack and clickForward
3. Enter the Root user password and clickForward
4. Enter the phpmyadmin, webadmin for MySQL software “administrator” password and click Forward
5. Now, we are ready to install, select Forward to start the installation
6. Click Finish to launch the application stack
This should launch the default page for Apache with details to launch phpmyadmin and thats it done!!!!
I’ve never installed a LAMP server in less than 5 minutes. Great peice of work!!! For more information and downloads, click here to visit bitnami homepage.
Bitnami Dokuwiki Stacks
There is an uninstaller script install in the directory selected to install the software which can uninstall the stack completely.