Ai After Effects

From the course: Getting Started in After Effects for Illustrator Users Download rigisystems driver.

Project panel (upper left corner below the Tools panel) is the area where you import, search, and organize assets in your After Effects projects. In the bottom of the panel you can create new folders and compositions as well as change item and project settings. Illustrator is by far less hardware intensive and has any easier learning curve. Plus graphic design leans heavily on Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign as it’s go to choice for professionals in that field. It’s used by a variety of creative professionals for film, TV, and video for websites and social media. Like other Adobe tools, the great thing about working with After Effects is that it works seamlessly with other Adobe tools, and allows you to import and work with native files from other pieces of Adobe software, including Photoshop, Illustrator, Character Animator, Adobe XD, and Animate. With After Effects, the industry-standard motion graphics and visual effects software, you can take any idea and make it move. Visit the Store for all presets a freelancer?

From the course: Getting Started in After Effects for Illustrator Users

After Effects and Illustrator: A natural fit?

- It used to seem like After Effects and Illustrator were worlds apart, but recently the motion design industry has been overtaken by artists with illustrative skills. However, if animation is a completely foreign territory, where do you even start? This course is your passport to see the world of After Effects through an Illustrator lens. Rather than go deep into topics that may not serve you, I take you on a tour of the features that will be most familiar if the Illustrator is already an application you rely on. For decades, After Effects has worked with vector-based artwork from Illustrator. Being able to infinitely scale elements is a boon to animation, but that's only the beginning. We'll get into workflows that will quickly feel familiar once you understand how they correspond to what you already know. Of course, moving images introduce some complexities still image artists don't usually even think about, yet the best motion graphics design consistently begins with carefully constructed still elements. For that workflow, After Effects and Illustrator are a natural fit. I will set you up for a quicker start with After Effects by introducing you to features that you essentially already know. While I can't magically transform you into an After Effects expert in this short course, it may be easier for you to understand where to go next on your learning path. It may be type and logos in motion, or animating full abstract designs. You could even pursue a specific specialty like motion for UX, character animation, or 3D. All of these link directly to After Effects. So I hope you enjoy this brief introduction to the most Illustrator-like features and workflows in After Effects.

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